Every Day a Page (Pages 4-9)

Check out pages 1-3 here.

Here are the highlights from the last few pages.

Page 4

Got to pretend to work on a coworker’s computer while some strange guy was in her office. First ever Broom Ball game. Broom Ball victory!

Page 5

Helped with a food packing night for the school our church has services in. Ate Chipotle for the first time in 2012.

Page 6

Played some Wii at the Neighbors

Page 7

Recharge conference with some great info and great peeps.

Page 8

Breakfast with city group before church, seeing Miriam as a key note speaker after church, and getting an omelet flipper to make omelets easy and fast!

Page 9

Besides work, it turned into an easy day to relax for the most part. Also, took down the Christmas tree!

What are some highlights from your pages? Let us know in the comments.

3 thoughts on “Every Day a Page (Pages 4-9)

  1. I had no idea about twitters page thing (had to go back to your last post to catch on… I’m a little behind). Broom sounds awesome- is that making a comeback?

    • I just saw the every day a page thing and thought it would be a good way to keep up with my own year.

      Broom ball is lots of fun. I had never played before last week. It is way popular up here in the Twin Cities.

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